Welcome to the Library of Sorcery novels

by Joan Marie Verba

Clash of the Sorcerers [Book Two of The Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery]

An old adversary awakened. A clash of wills. Can she stop her ruthless predecessor from replacing her and dragging the realm back to cruelty?

High Sorcerer Marlys worked hard to rid her region of her predecessor's vicious legacy. Forced to free her nemesis after twelve years of sorcerous confinement, Marlys finds herself in immediate conflict with this bitter rival who will stop at nothing to return to power. Banned by oath from harming each other, they nonetheless battle…Marlys to retain her position, her opponent to impose herself on the region.

As their conflict escalates, the world is threatened by a catastrophic volcanic explosion. Ash overhead blocks the sun and intensifies the weather. Marlys struggles to keep her opponent at bay, and at the same time, gather enough sorcerous strength to clear the air. Taking advantage of the crisis, her opponent claims that she alone has the solution, and that Marlys lacks the competence to resolve it.

Can Marlys save the planet and prevent her predecessor from taking over?

Join Marlys and her allies in Clash of the Sorcerers, the second book in the Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery. If you like clever magical spells, resourceful thinkers, and tough but compassionate leaders, you'll love Joan Marie Verba's exhilarating fantasy.


Secrets of the Sorcerers: A Quest Fantasy [Book One of The Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery]

A vengeful plan. An impossible impasse. When confronted by the magnitude of past deeds, will she be caught in a spellbound standstill?
High Sorcerer Marlys has earned the respect of her colleagues. Twelve years after freezing her ruthless predecessor in time to protect her region, the powerful leader has worked hard to bring about peace and tranquility. But while presiding over a beautiful double wedding, a rival enchantress traps Marlys's friends with an identical spell in malicious payback.
Denying the intruder's demand to free Marlys's predecessor after more than a decade bespelled, Marlys and her companion sorcerers frantically search for a way to crack their adversary's magic. And with each side refusing to compromise and driven by distrust, they face a mountainous task—to find the legendary Library of Sorcery, which they hope contains the knowledge to restore their friends.
With their opponent also on the passage to the Library, can Marlys and her companions reach their destination first to end the magical deadlock?
Secrets of the Sorcerers is the refreshing first book in a quest fantasy series. If you like strong characters, gentle humor, and action-filled adventure, then you'll love Joan Marie Verba's enthralling story.
Join the sorcerers on their quest. Buy Secrets of the Sorcerers to break the spell today!

Revenge, Denied [Young Adult short story prequel to the Library of Sorcery novels]

A determined apprentice. A brutal training system. When given the chance to exact revenge, will she take it?

Marlys, excited about being accepted as an apprentice sorcerer, is astonished to find that the other apprentices bully her mercilessly. No matter how hard she tries, no matter what she does, she isn't good enough. Worse, no one seems interested in teaching her sorcery.

Can Marlys prevail and become a sorcerer?

A story of magic and triumph over hardship, with a shocking ending. A perfect short read.

Revenge, Denied is a thrilling young adult fantasy. If you like narrow escapes, magical victories, and shocking endings, you'll love Joan Marie Verba's riveting short story.


Shadows of the Sorcerers cover


Shadows of the Sorcerers [Book Three of The Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery]


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Joan Marie Verba


About the author

Joan Marie Verba (she/her) is an autistic author, publisher, and web developer. She also sews. She earned a bachelor of physics degree from the University of Minnesota and attended the graduate school of astronomy at Indiana University, where she was an associate instructor of astronomy for one year. She has worked as a computer programmer and health coach. She currently works as a writer, an editor/publisher and a web developer and social media consultant. She is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association and The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers.